Salon: The Stories We Want to Tell and How to Begin | July 29, 2023 at 4pm
Join us at 821 Haywood Road at 4 pm on July 29th, for a writing salon with Rachel Hanson, our artist in residence for July of 2023!
Writing Salon with Rachel Hanson: The Stories We Want to Tell and How to Begin
For some writers, starting with the ending is the only way to begin, for others it varies with the different stories they wish to tell and the genre in which they hope to tell it, and some writers struggle with getting that first line on the page no matter the form or genre. This is a generative workshop, complete with creative writing prompts, aimed at helping writers take their ideas and get them down on the page.
Saturday July 22nd, 4:00 p.m.
821 Haywood Road
What to bring: notebook, pen or pencil, and a story idea!
Photo credits: Peter Speer