Come enjoy some free experimental film, refreshments, and zines on August 17th at 7 pm. Cecilia will be showing a collection of poetry based film and zines with a short artist talk at the beginning of the night.

Join Cecilia Moushey as they open up the studio to visitors to see the work they’ve created while in the residency!

July 2-7… cyanotypes and free-stitching

July 8-14…acrylic nature portraits

July 15-21…watercolor and dye explorations

July 22-26…cyanotypes and free stitching

Meg Winnecour will run an open art studio for a month, a space in which she will make her work (acrylic nature portraits on panel, watercolor and dye explorations on paper, and free-stitched cyanotypes) in a public way, and invite people to come into the space and make some work of their own, with or without her help. She will work in a new medium each week (cyanotype, acrylic paint on panel or canvas, and watercolor on paper). Her dream would be for her West Asheville neighbors to stop in for an art experience on their way to the bakery or the library, folks out running errands stopping in to see what’s going on and then getting pulled into making a piece of their own, dear friends stopping in for a chat. More than anything, Meg wants to add beauty and connection to her neighbors’ lives through time spent chatting and making a piece of art to take home.

Meg will be sharing the residency space with Ben Berry, who will be hosting open studios on Saturdays in July; Ben welcomes folks to stop in to contribute to a book he’s writing. You can learn more about Ben’s events here.


Come draw a book with Ben!

Ben Berry will be in residence weekends during July; he’s sharing the space with Meg Winnecour, who will be hosting open studios Mondays-Fridays for the month. You can learn more about Meg’s events here.

Ben’s next book will be an open collaboration with the people of Asheville where he currently lives and works.  It will be called: “I Am Not Myself, Without Everything Else.” A children’s book, each page will be full of illustrations of the beautiful Subjects of the Universe, created by the people of Asheville.

Ben will be in residence at Residency 821 weekends in July and invites all to come in and contribute a drawing to be included in the book. Ben plans to publish through Amazon and will be distributing them to the local elementary schools in the coming year.

Join us Friday, June 21, at 7:30pm at The Residency at 821 for an evening for an open house evening of art and creativity.  Chuck Gutierrez and LimaqWNC will be providing Peruvian vegan light bites. Water is our theme for the night, and we’ll have a short film screening, a community poetry writing workshop, and a sneak peek at an immersive art installation centered around water.

This evening will begin with Dogwood Fellow Tiffany Womack’s 20 minute film, What About the Water, exploring the role of riparian forests in purifying and protecting our water supply and the community protectors of this water. We’ll then do a writing exercise that will guide community members to write their own poetry reflecting on water. The studio will feature a digital installation by Liz Williams, Mik Mitchell, and Shani Kashani. We will also have poem excerpts and art by 821 Artist in Residence, Aliah Lavonne Tigh, on the walls.


June 26st, Wednesday, 7:30pm we’ll gather again for a community reading where we might share this poetry from Friday, and this reading centered on water will happen inside an immersive digital art experience projected during the reading. We’ll have community poets Lockie Hunter and Jeff Davis, Hosts of Asheville’s WordPlay, other Asheville poets*, and artist guests Keagan Wheat and Aliah Lavonne Tigh.

Please join us on May 23 from 6-9 pm as our current artist in residence, Will Iselnogle, shares his illustration installation with our community!

Join us at Lamplight AVL’s Residency at 821 on 4/26 and 4/27 for two performances with Wind Cults and guests. Brett Naucke, Adam Lion, and Thom Nguyen will perform both evenings from 7-9pm. On Friday, 4/26, they will be joined by Zach Cooper, with an opening set by Corey Parlamento. On Saturday 4/27, they will be joined by Landon George, with an opening set by Astoria. Don’t miss these spectacular sets!

These artists are brought to you by our first ever guest curator, Brett Naucke. Brett is a composer and photographer who has deep ties to the experimental art world and a long history of gathering communities together through the music and arts events. We are grateful and honored to be the beneficiaries of his insight, skill, and expertise.

Join Garden Party for a weekend of 4/20 fun at Lamplight AVL’s Residency at 821, as we welcome the spring season and celebrate one of mother nature’s greatest gifts together. Garden Party will be bringing you a mini Garden Party shopping experience, complete with a curation of cannabis goods, special discounts, and sweet treats.  More details to follow.

Garden Party is lifestyle brand and retail experience for people exploring their relationship with cannabis. They celebrate your sunny days, green escapes, and tiny rituals. 

Image credit Jesse Mead. @BlackRivrComics

TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT Join us at the residency as Candlewood Collective presents DOLORES, a one-act drama about two sisters drawn together by domestic violence. Sandra and Dolores push and pull against one another as they seek to connect with each other and protect themselves.

March 28 – April 7. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7pm. Sundays at 4pm.

Tickets are $15.

To request tickets, email with your name, the performance you wish to see (schedule below), and the number of tickets requested.

This unique production has double cast both roles; cast members will trade off throughout the run, resulting in FOUR DISTINCT ACTING PAIRS. Tickets are for specific nights of the production; audience members wishing to see the play in a new cast configurations should purchase tickets for each evening they wish to attend. See below for scheduled performances.

*Audience members please note: this play includes references to domestic violence and offensive language. The producers have decided to include the language in its original form because it is true to the timeframe and to the characters, and it represents an important phase in the arcs of both characters.


Director: Lucia Gray

Producers: Candlewood Collective

Stage Manager: Madelyn Anderson

Cast – Sandra y: Lauren Davis and A.K. Benninghofen

Cast – Dolores: Kim Mako and Emily Tynan McDaniel


SOLD OUT Thursday March 28 at 7…A.K. Benninghofen and Emily Tynan McDaniel

SOLD OUT Friday March 29 at 7pm………Lauren Davis and Kim Mako

SOLD OUT Saturday March 30 at 7pm…….A.K. Benninghofen and Kim Mako

SOLD OUT Sunday March 31 at 4pm………..Lauren Davis and Emily Tynan McDaniel

SOLD OUT Monday April 1 at 7 pm………Lauren Davis and Emily Tynan McDaniel

SOLD OUT Wednesday April 3 at 7pm……….A.K. Benninghofen and Kim Mako

SOLD OUT Thursday April 4 at 7pm………Lauren Davis and Kim Mako

SOLD OUT Friday April 5 at 7pm…..A.K. Benninghofen and Emily Tynan McDaniel

SOLD OUT Saturday April 6 at 7pm………Lauren Davis and Emily Tynan McDaniel

SOLD OUT Sunday April 7 at 4pm…………A.K. Benninghofen and Kim Mako